Fastbacks Fastbacks - Was Late

I get up early almost everyday
I try to be perfect in every way
Alarm didn't ring
Birds didn't sing
I didn't hear a thing
So I didn't get to work
It was so cold outside I couldn't get up
The dream I had was too good to interrupt
I watched all I could
Late show was good
It made it later than it should
So I didn't get to work
I was late
Oh and it won't happen again
"Sorry, Mr. Smith but I missed the bus."
Won't happen again if you let it go just this once
The tire was flat
Forgot about that!
The keys - where are they at
So I didn't get to work
I get up at noon and I don't even care
I fix my lunch and then I go nowhere
I'll never work again
Don't think that I even can!
I'll go out now and then
But I'll always come back when I was late